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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Motivational Bankruptcy

Carlos Ghosn, the man who took Nissan out of bankruptcy and is considered the 21st century Henry Ford, says the following: "The only thing that makes a difference is motivation. If you lose your motivation, Gradually you lose everything." 

Henry Ford's own thinking brings to light the importance of the path we have chosen with a focus on motivation and attitude when he said, "If you think you can or you think you can not, you will be right anyway."

A company never breaks today. Breaks five years before. It is not financial bankruptcy it is motivational bankruptcy. The motivated see opportunities in the difficulties ... The unmotivated see difficulties in opportunities! The positives do ... The negatives complain.

The choice between being optimistic or pessimistic is of every human being and will build a whole road on which he will tread. 82% of the world's largest companies came from "absolutely nothing," came from the grip of their founders and the commitment of their work crews who believe in their talent.

The question is: What are you doing with your ideas? What do you do with your thoughts? How are you planning your life and your work? 

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